[Baylisa] Do you Cloud or Run your own?

Rob Markovic rob.markovic at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 11:34:29 PST 2015

Agreed. It's nice to only have to worry about your own VM, while having a
trusted party handle the external environment.

I need to find such a thing again, as mine have deprecated over the years.

-- Rob

  [image: Rob Marković on about.me]

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Roy Rapoport <rsr at inorganic.org> wrote:

> On 1/17/15 12:17 AM, Rob Markovic wrote:
>> Well, it doesn't have to be a physical server.. virtual one still has
>> similar issues management wise.
>> It seems you prefer root and manage it yourself.
> this is where we get into discussions of what 'cloud' means :)
> There's a host of issues I don't need to worry about when I'm running on a
> virtual machine other people are responsible for.  Chief among them are
> power, cooling, and hardware failure.
> But I wanted to be able to run my own software (this was originally built
> so I could monitor my parents' DSL line, and is still largely only used for
> that).
> -roy

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