[Baylisa] [darkuranium at gmail.com: Request for comments on a keycap (keyboard key) logo]

Jim Hickstein jxh at jxh.com
Thu Dec 20 10:41:02 PST 2012

On 2012/12/20 12:34, David Wolfskill wrote:
> While I admit a certain bias [Disclosure: I've been volunteering for the
> FreeBSD project in administrative positions for some years now], the
> image is not specific to FreeBSD -- and it bears a strong resemblance to
> the daemon BayLISA has used in the past.

That's because BayLISA commissioned the same artist, Marshall Kirk 
McKusick.  The BayLISA "daemon" is distinct, though related.  I don't 
recall (because I wasn't around at that very early stage) what the 
copyright arrangement was for ours.

> So I thought some folks might find this amusing.
> ----- Forwarded message from Tim ??as <darkuranium at gmail.com> -----
> Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 17:14:28 +0100
> From: Tim ??as <darkuranium at gmail.com>
> To: freebsd-advocacy at freebsd.org
> Subject: Request for comments on a keycap (keyboard key) logo
> Hey there. A few days ago, I asked a company which makes customized keycaps
> (for the Cherry MX keys) if they'd consider adding a FreeBSD logo to their
> selection of OS keycaps (aka the Windows/Super/Command keys), to complement
> the Amiga and Linux variants that they have (plus the usual Mac, and the
> even more usual Windows, of course).
> To my suprise, their response was affirmative, and after a couple of emails
> sent back and forth, they've presented me with a potential draft for the
> Beastie logo (I do not know at this time if they plan on adding both the
> "orb" and the Beastie logos, but I have suggested for them to add both).
> Here is the draft: http://stdrand.com/upload/files/beastie-mono.png (n.b.:
> I will probably be reorganizing my server soonish, so this won't be up
> forever).
> It is simply a monochromatic rendering of the Beastie here:
> http://www.freebsd.org/art.html
> Before you ask, yes, I did inform them about the copyright status of the
> artwork, and they said that they've contacted the author. I'm pretty sure
> that he won't mind this being used to promote the OS by having this as an
> option for the keys!
> I'll give you the link to the company -- and the relevant OS keys page --
> later, for I fear that I might be pushing the limits by having 2 links in
> my first email to the list, and that a 3rd might go over the top. Besides,
> they haven't *yet* added this to their selection.
> Anyways, the reason I'm sending this here is two-fold:
> 1) I'd like some comments on the Beastie variant above. Someone has already
> commented that the shoes look rather long; I've notified them of this.
> 2) Simply to let you know that, if you have a Cherry MX switch-based
> mechanical keyboard, you might be able to have FreeBSD OS keys soon!
> PS: I'm not sure if this is the right mailing list. I apologize if it's not.
> Best regards,
> Tim ??as
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> ----- End forwarded message -----
> Peace,
> david

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