how far have mac's made it into large installations?

David Wolfskill david at
Fri Apr 22 15:20:38 PDT 2011

On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 01:56:02PM -0700, Daniel Howard wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Greg Kulosa <rsr at> wrote:
> > IT's particularly funny; if I look at ITOps Engineering management (the
> > group I'm in), the balance has shifted drastically in the 662 days I've been
> > here.  When I joined, 3/5 of us, including our Director, were on PCs
> > (including me); today, 6/7 of us use a Mac.
> >
> So, ah, how many of us got tired of Mac's weird limitations and subsequently
> embraced Linux desktops?  :>
> *raises hand*
> Okay, you guys can get back to your tent revival.

Well, I had an opportunity to get a Mac at work, so I did.  I tried to
use it, but found it incredibly frustrating -- in fairness, much of that
was likely because most of the time I actually *needed* to use it was
because my (then-)manager wanted me to do something with a Microsoft
application.  (My relationship with Microsoft might charitably be
characterized as "very hostile.")

And I find the various Linux distributions to which I've been exposed
annoying (though mostly in other ways).

So I do all of my real work on my FreeBSD desktop or FreeBSD laptop.

(And no, I don't pretend to be representative of any population.)

David H. Wolfskill				david at
Depriving a girl or boy of an opportunity for education is evil.

See for my public key.
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