Opinions sought on information presentation

Ramin K ramin-list at badapple.net
Wed Apr 20 13:43:26 PDT 2011

On 4/19/2011 9:42 PM, David Wolfskill wrote:
> While I'm not actually a sysadmin per se any more, there's a fair amount
> of overlap between what I'm doing and what I did as a sysadmin.  And
> it's possible that some of y;all might find some of it of interest,
> so....

	Have you looked at Collectd? It does quite a bit out of the box and is 
pulling in the same stats you are though I do like the looks of your 
graphs. What I enjoy about Collectd is that stats collection happens 
locally and is periodically pushed upstream where it is eventually 
flushed out to rrd files. Makes it easy to automate installation of 
graphing in most environments. http://collectd.org/

	Here are a few graphs from one of my systems generated with the 
included cgi script. I believe you can make nicer graphs from the source 
rrd files, but I haven't had time to look at that yet.



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