June BayLISA meeting reminder

Guy B. Purcell guy at extragalactic.net
Wed Jun 16 15:20:24 PDT 2010

This month, the talk is about monitoring & trending with zenoss <http://www.zenoss.com/>.

When:  Thursday 2010 Jun 17 @19:30       ***  that's tomorrow, folks!  ***
Where:  LinkedIn HQ--2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, 94043

Details:  <http://www.baylisa.org/>

Vivo is sponsoring the meeting this month, and says they'd like to bring food, too.  Have had no word from them yet regarding what they're doing food-wise (they made some noise about, perhaps, some dessert-like things), though.  Hope to see a good crowd (for my talk, not just free food ;^)


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