BayLISA General Meeting March 20, 2008

Jennifer sigje at
Wed Mar 12 10:33:21 PDT 2008

Hey folks,

I'm still pushing the speakers from Xen to send me a specific abstract but 
next week's topics are virtualization, and managing virtualization.  We 
will have people from Xen to discuss the updates to Xen, and FastScale's 
CEO Lynn LeBlanc will be discussing software complexity and management in 
physical and virtual environments.

There will be pizza, and drinks (if you have any special requests please 
do include them with your RSVP to rsvp at

Location: Yahoo Inc! 700 First St Building E

When you turn left onto First St, it is the first left (no guard shack). 
Park in the front of the building, and there should be a security guard to 
let you in.

Doors open at 7pm, for meet greet and eat! The meeting starts at 7:30pm 

Many thanks to Peter Thoeny, last months speaker on administering Twiki.

Jennifer Davis

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