May general meeting details (TOMORROW NIGHT!)

Alan Horn ahorn at
Wed May 16 23:19:29 PDT 2007

Bah, once again the world conspires to prevent me sending out adequate 
notices ahead of time about our meetings. We do actually have a person
assigned to mutually poke board members to get this stuff out, so we're
trying to work on a self-correcting system here :)

The May General meeting will be held at our usual location at Yahoo Sunnyvale

Location: Yahoo
Classroom 9, Building E
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA

Date: Thursday May 17th 2007 (Yes, tomorrow night)
Time: 7:00-10:00pm

Daylight savings time upgrades in a huge environment - Jan Schaumann

This month will be *really* good (and I'm not just saying that to drum up
last minute attendance). Jan Schaumann will be presenting an overview of
the work he did at Yahoo to ensure 120,000 servers were ready to deal with
the altered daylight savings date. The methods used have relevance to any
large-scale upgrades and should be applicable to lots of situations you
encounter regularly.

Jan is one of the sharpest sysadmins I know, so expect the talk to be very



Details also available at

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(turn left into Bldg E, not right into Bldg D.)

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