Solaris -- can I add a SCSI target without a reconfigure reboot?

David Wolfskill david at
Fri Jul 6 13:53:26 PDT 2007

One of the "workhorse" machines here at hoem is a SPARCstation
5/170, running Solaris 2.6.

In general, its workload is pretty stable and it basically Just Runs, so
I don't have much incentive to mess with it.

However, the media for the tape drives I have on it aren't adequate for
my backups, so I need to add another tape drive to one of the SCSI

I realize that (once I have target ID & termination set properly) a
"reboot -- -r" or "sudo touch /reconfigure && sudo reboot" should work
well to cause the system to "see" the new device.

Is there a reasonable way to accomplish that goal without a reboot?


david   (who likes to minimize disruption in such things)
David H. Wolfskill				david at
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