Help in selecting router please

Nicole nicole at
Wed Sep 20 11:48:09 PDT 2006

 I was wondering if anyone could assist in helping me with a problem.

  I have bandwidth that is exceeding our 1Gb fiber drop from our
colo providor, so I need to add another. So do so, I will need to move to a
router or routing switch that can use BGP (as that is all that our colo providor
offers) to support load balancing across the two fiber drops. Then provide at
least 2 preferably 4 or more 1Gb copper or fiber ports to connect to our

 Once we start talking multiple gigabit routing, I am in over my head and the
costs seem extreemly high. I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a solution
or router that may be less than stratosferic in cost. 




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