Help in selecting router please

Cat Okita cat at
Mon Oct 2 20:56:32 PDT 2006

On Mon, 2 Oct 2006, Dave Johanson wrote:
> Cisco Routers are like Swiss Army knives.  They have many features,
> but do not perform exceptionally well with any of them.
> Juniper Routers are like razor sharp hunting knives.  Giving the best
> routing performance, with each product maximized for a few features.

I'm afraid that I'd have to disagree - they're all just a question
of which devil you're dancing with (and give that maint does tend to
happen in the wee hours, it usually is the pale moonlight...)

> In 2006, 23 of the 25 major service providers use Juniper routers
> (reliability and performance were the main factors in those selections
> for many large companies including the US Government.).

That's a bit misleading.  None of the major service providers are
insane enough to lock themselves into a single vendor[0].

[0] ... which doesn't prevent single vendor upgrades from taking them
out anyways...
"A cat spends her life conflicted between a deep, passionate and profound
desire for fish and an equally deep, passionate and profound desire to
avoid getting wet.  This is the defining metaphor of my life right now."

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