Google Ops Presentation and Meeting Formats

Deirdre Saoirse Moen deirdre at
Fri Jan 27 13:16:51 PST 2006

On Jan 27, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Rick Moen wrote:

> Quoting Bill Ward (bill at
>> I agree with those who wish for a little less audience participation
>> in the presentations.  It can be very disruptive to the speaker's
>> schedule.  Holding questions to the end may be a good way to solve  
>> the
>> problem.
> That's my personal preference, too.  Some speakers actually don't like
> that, though, so my favourite approach as meeting coordinator follows:
> Before the meeting, ask speaker to pick a policy, any of:
> 1. Hold questions/comments to the end.
> 2. Raise hand, wait to be recognised by speaker (optionally with help
>    from meeting coordinator).
> 3. Blurt it right out, man.

How they're doing it in the seminar today:

Breaking the talk into sections, then asking if anyone has questions  
during specific sections.


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