[baylisa] Google Ops Presentation and Meeting Formats

David Alban extasia at extasia.org
Fri Jan 27 10:33:25 PST 2006

Yes!  I'm glad my inside voice didn't make it "outside" last night.

Perhaps, for those folks who might perceive this as a limitation on
creativity/speech/etc., a compromise, voluntarily self-imposed by
willing individuals, might be:  everyone limit yourself to one,
simple, easy-to-communicate, non-compound question without follow-ups,
before the presentation is over, then go nuts.

On 1/27/06, Danny Howard <dannyman at toldme.com> wrote:
> while I found the presentation
> engaging, I had this growing desire to jump up on the desk and yell at
> everyone to just shut up for half an hour and let the guy present ...
> but that would have been overly stereotypical SysAdmin behaviour, which
> would have defeated the point.  And while I would have phrased my
> suggestion that everyone shut up politely, I didn't want to be the
> guy-who-never-shows-up-then-proposes-that-BayLISA-change-its-format-halfway-through-the-presentation.

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