Upcoming ACCU event
Jennifer Davis
sigje at sigje.org
Tue Jan 24 10:27:12 PST 2006
This isn't system administration focused, but I know that many people
cross boundaries as to job functions..and so I'm passing this on as it may
be of interest. Heard of AJAX? Well if you haven't, and you are
interested in what the buzz is about, this will be a good intro to it.
When: Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Topic: An introduction to AJAX
Speaker: Gregory Murray
Time: 7:00pm
Where: eBay Town Hall (next to PayPal/eBay)
2161 North First St
San Jose, CA 95131
Map: <http://tinyurl.com/cdg5u/>
Cost: Free
More Info: <http://www.accu-usa.org>
AJAX is a technique for using JavaScript to communicate
asynchronously with a server-side component and dynamically
update the source of an HTML page based on the resulting
XML/Text response.
For those who want to read ahead for the talk, Greg
recommends his introductory AJAX article at
Gregory Murray is a lead engineer at SUN Microsystems.
He is currently the servlet specification lead.
Previously he was a member of the BluePrints team during
which he was responsible for the web tier recommendations.
He has experience with internationalization, web services,
J2SE standalone clients, and AJAX based web clients.
He is coauthor of Designing Enterprise Applications With
the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition and Designing Web
Services With the J2EE 1.4 Platform (Addison-Wesley).
Greg is the author of the AJAX FAQ for the Java Developer.
His blog is at <http://weblogs.java.net/blog/gmurray71/>
The ACCU meets monthly. To suggest topics and speakers please
email Walter Vannini via walterv at gbbservices.com
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