[SAGE] System Administrator Tool chest..

Robert Brockway rbrockway at opentrend.net
Fri Feb 3 17:59:18 PST 2006

On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Dave Hilton wrote:

> Dan Foster's list is about as good as I've seen.  I go heavy on
> non-metallic flashlights, cordless soldering pencil, chop sticks (yes,
> chop sticks - they are non-metallic and can reach into the smallest

Along these lines,I recommend a small mirror.  A mirror (preferably one 
that can be extended away from you) is invaluable for seeing behind badly 
positioned boxes to replug cables, etc.  Small "lipstick/makeup mirrors" 
are perfect for this.


Robert Brockway B.Sc.        Phone:          +1-905-821-2327
Senior Technical Consultant  Urgent Support: +1-416-669-3073
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