[rsr at inorganic.org: Re: [baylisa] Less worthless DSL providers?]
Roy S. Rapoport
rsr at inorganic.org
Wed Sep 14 14:28:49 PDT 2005
Sorry, didn't cc baylisa on this for some reason.
----- Forwarded message from "Roy S. Rapoport" <rsr at inorganic.org> -----
From: "Roy S. Rapoport" <rsr at inorganic.org>
To: David Alban <extasia at extasia.org>
Cc: "Michael T. Halligan" <michael at halligan.org>
Subject: Re: [baylisa] Less worthless DSL providers?
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:24:05 -0700
On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 02:12:03PM -0700, David Alban wrote:
> www.cliq.com. Very clueful. There is no first tier customer support.
> The guy doing support is one of the core of geeks who run it.
> It was on Roy Rapoport's recommendation that I went with them, and I
> haven't been sorry. Perhaps Roy would like to comment on them, too...
If there are ways in which cliq sucks, I haven't found them yet. I've had
them for about five years now, through two moves. Their technical
competence is solid; their customer service is unmatched; I really cannot
rave enough about them.
----- End forwarded message -----
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