Thin Client solutions

Alvin Oga alvin at
Mon Oct 24 21:17:28 PDT 2005

hi ya brian

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Brian Street wrote:

> Mitigation is why I was thinking of a diskless client with the server
> locked down. The hope was that they wouldn't be able to save anything
> locally but all of the diskless clients I've seen so far have USB
> ports. I haven't played with BIOS enough to know if I could lock out
> USB on them or not, but if I can't, then it wouldn't matter if it was
> a thin client or not.

the ony way to break usb connectivity is to stick epoxie glue
and other assorted fun stuff of equivalents inside the usb-port 
you could password protect the bios to prevent people from
getting into the bios, but, there's probably a free bios pwd cracker
or bypasser

as long as they can touch the pc ... you're better off to do 
a really serious background check of the new employee and
have a really good and agreesive lawyers to review all documents
	- if there's some false data on the resume, you're
	already in trouble before their first day of work

and have the lawyers meet with each person say monthly
just to show the big guns is watching their every move

c ya

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