BayLISA - what is it and where are we going..

Jennifer Davis sigje at
Thu Oct 13 11:58:04 PDT 2005

BayLISA is not just a user group.  It's not just about meeting up once a 
month, although that is one of the key items that we do.

It's partly a place we can help each other improve our technical skills, 
network, and meet the needs of our profession.  It's what each individual 
makes of it.

We've got some exciting news to announce soon, and we have more technical 
events planned for the next year.

One of my goals is helping shape this organization into a professional 
association that vendors/open source projects/other groups recognize, and 
respect.  You want to get involved, _get involved_.  There aren't barriers 
to entry.  In fact elections are coming up _next month_.  Join BayLISA, 
send blw at your candidate statement (so we can put it up on the 
website), announce your candidacy at the October meeting, and vote in 
November.  There are 5 seats up for election this year.

What do you get out of being on the Board?  Jim Hickstein and I were 
discussing this recently.  After you have been on the Board for 2 years 
(the term of a board member), you will develop critical skills in 
managing, developing an organization.  As an MC (doesn't require being on 
the Board), you will become a better public speaker, and more outgoing. 
People skills for geeks! :)

This isn't just a resume builder.  There are people that care passionately 
about the organization, and its direction.  We have different ideas about 
what does and doesn't work, but that just helps to keep us doing our best.

Be a part of this growth, and development.  Any BayLISA member is 
_welcome_ to every Board meeting.

Don't want to run for Board?  here are some other options for getting 

- conference committee
- event coordination
- speaker solicitation
- sponsor solicitation
- MC at events
- marketing/logo redesign
- "article" writer, how tos/reviews or products/book reviews

that's just some of the options.


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