Mozilla folks at Stanford tomorrow: "Creating Simple Software in a Geek-driven Culture"

Jennifer Davis sigje at
Thu Nov 17 15:54:21 PST 2005

----- Forwarded message from Rashmi Sinha -----

Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 15:15:32 -0800
From: Rashmi Sinha
Subject: [sprint] talk on open source usability

This talk

Creating Simple Software in a Geek-driven Culture
  Blake Ross and Asa Dotzler, Mozilla Foundation

at Stanford tomorrow might be of interest to some
in the Bay Area. More information here:

Abstract: Two years ago, the Mozilla Foundation
resembled most other open-source organizations:
it was slow, technology-oriented, and allergic to
consumers. Today, the Mozilla Corporation
develops, distributes and promotes the first
open-source product ever to penetrate the
mainstream: Firefox was downloaded over 100
million times in less than one year. We will look
at how Mozilla transformed its development
practices, economic models­basically its entire
culture­to change from a technology-focused to a
people-focused organization in such a short time.


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