BaySUG thoughts and general impressions..Future events..

Jennifer Davis sigje at
Mon Nov 14 11:58:43 PST 2005

Wow.. So Saturday was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed both talks immensely, and I 
do have a crappy recording (forgot the tripod) of the talks that I'll have 
available on DVDs at Thursdays meeting.  The plan is to do another one 
next year (we already have interested sponsors!)

So for people who went..
Would a longer day be better?  More speakers/less speakers?  How was the 
food? I didn't really see many people taking advantage of the wireless .. 
did we really need to provide it?

For people who didn't..
Why? :) Just curious .. (was it because it's a Saturday? because the 
expected content? )

What do people think of a security/networking/monitoring day event? (would 
be on a weekend, because heck, I want to go!)  I'm thinking a few sessions 
of all the different tools that are available with a tutorial style "How 
To", with maybe an end of the day hour and a half discussion period of "So 
we know what's available, what ELSE would be useful" type thing.  I'm 
thinking February time period.. nmap, nessus, nagios, (it really wouldn't 
be an n-word day :) etc..

There is also the thought of a mini-conference March/April time frame.. 
this would be a low cost event coordinated with USENIX .. Friday evening 
registration + BoFs, Saturday, Sunday. two tracks .. maybe one day of 
tutorial style "How Tos" and a second day of Technical talks?  Are people 
interested in this kind of event?  We need input :) what do you 
sys/networking/security/storage admins want?  I don't think we will have 
any problem getting whatever speakers people want to hear from (at least 
those local to the area), but we need to actually plan.. and planning 
takes input.  And if you want to volunteer for this.. send an email to 
blw@ and let us know that you want to volunteer, and how you want to 



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