Suggestions for colocation needed

Guy B. Purcell guy at
Tue May 3 23:18:33 PDT 2005

On May 3, 2005, at 13:17, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:

> My company needs to expand their colocation and I am looking for
> suggestions where to check. Our requirements are something like
> this:


I'm not sure if this site meets all your requirements or not (eg.  
it's not a "pretty" facility--or at least it wasn't in 2001 when I  
worked for a company co-located there), but I really liked Exchange  
Colocation [1].  That company I worked for got in pretty early, back  
when it looked like AboveNet was going to go under like Exodus had,  
and I got a good look as this place was building out their  
infrastructure.  It was very good--clean, tight, redundant.  I don't  
think you'll find a better choice of network providers, either; this  
place sites at a crossroads of several fiber runs on the Peninsula.   
And, at least back then, they were backed by non-tech-sector money  
(owned by some British shipping company), so they weren't likely to  
go under in a tech-sector crash.


[1] <>

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