Changing subject body and subject header

Marco Nicosia marco at
Tue Aug 9 14:51:50 PDT 2005

I hardly ever use, so I have a naive question.

Every so often, I get something up my nose and write a python script
to solve it. The most recent example is, "Check this list of URLs,
keep md5s on their content, and send me MIME e-mails containing the
new pages if they change." When I'm done, I think, "Gosh, maybe
someone else would like to use this, even though it's really a
pretty trivial thing."

It seems like freshmeat's a repository that's oriented to "real"
applications, less than SourceForge, but still way bigger projects
than my one-pagers. Again, I hardly use freshmeat, so I could be
off base here.

Is the type of place to post these scripts? Are there
better, more obvious places to submit them?

-- Marco

PS - Bonus points to people who mention superb apps either from
     freshmeat or other sites...

Mark C. Langston (mark at wrote: 
> On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 02:27:52PM -0700, Elizabeth Zwicky wrote:
> > 
> > So let's discuss system administration. Under whatever subject
> > lines seem appropriate at the time.
> > 
> Okay.  Members, how do you feel about the transparency and openness of
> the elected board for BayLISA?  Can you access the minutes of the board
> meetings?  Can you access the archives of the board mailing list?  Do
> you have any means by which to hold those you electedd accountable for
> their actions?
> Certainly germaine to one of the larger sysadmin groups around.
> -- 
> mcl
Marco E. Nicosia  |  |  marco at

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