BayLISA mentioned in Business Week article

Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at
Wed Jun 30 16:20:33 PDT 2004

Quoting Strata R Chalup (strata at
> Via Tom Limoncelli.  It's not clear from the article whether it
> was Tom or Adam Moskowitz, also quoted in the article, who mentioned
> BayLISA, but thanks to both of them (bcc'd here).

hee hee:

| After sorting through 100 resumes and conducting 15 interviews,
| Clark hired Tom Limoncelli, a veteran sysadmin with all the right
| qualities.
Such as ... he'd written a large reference book on system admin
that sits on the desks of many system admins?  Might that be a
Right Quality?

Ah, the media.

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