Remote install of solaris on a 220R

Roy S. Rapoport rsr at
Thu Jun 24 23:38:41 PDT 2004

On Wed, Jun 23, 2004 at 11:50:49PM -0700, Michael T. Halligan wrote:
> Solaris/Sun hardware is by far not my forte, I'm not really too
> interested in it to be honest.. I've stumbled upon a contract that's
> more of a favor to a friend, that will have me installing, patching, and
> making "production-ready" a few 220Rs .. Any caveats? My thoughts are to
> just have him put the media into the box, and I'll do it all remotely
> through the LOM.. 

My home box is Sun; it's my favorite platform, and back 2-3 years back I
owned the Jumpstart architecture at a previous employer until I handed it
off to some people who worked for me.

The 220s are sort of big, and I'd not necessarily recommend moving them
around -- too much of a pain.  The good news is they accept two drives, so
the solution is simple -- console into a 220 and hand-configure it;
depending on what you're trying to do with it, I'd go for the 'everything
but OEM support'.  Then use ufsdump/ufsrestore (or dd, whatever makes you
happy) to copy to the second hard drive.  Take second hard drive and put in
other 220; repeat as necessary.

I love Jumpstart to bits -- I've got a single live system at home and I
still use it, because it's nice as a way to bootstrap the systems that
replace my current system (every once in a while someone donates to me a
better Sun box) or systems I give to friends.  Having said that, I'd not
recommend setting up Jumpstart for this -- Jumpstart is one of those things
where when you do it for the third time, it's really easy, but the first
time can be a bitch.  JASS makes it somewhat easier but really, either
just manually do the install (trivial) or borrow someone else's Jumpstart


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