
Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at snew.com
Fri Jun 18 12:17:59 PDT 2004

Quoting Jim Hickstein (jxh at jxh.com):
> >Many kudos to Heather for a good presentation this evening.  I didn't get
> >to meet and greet everyone there, but it seemed like a decent number of
> >people showed up.  I'm looking forward to future presentations.  Next
> >time I hope to stay for after presentation meet and eats :)
> Great!  The meetings will be there.  Bring your friends, too!
> >For those of you who couldn't make it, the topic was helpdesk automated
> This gives me an idea.  Failing video over the MBONE (or something more 
> modern), how about write-ups, like this only with a bit more detail, posted 

MBONE *is* more modern.  I feel about it like I did when people
were all excited about CompuServe mail;  "but we have this inter-net
thing here..."

> to the list or the web site?  SAGE does these (conference reports) in their 
> magazine, and I find them quite valuable.  You know: the high points, 
I wonder

I wonder if write-ups can/should be offered to SAGE.

As one of the semi-founders of NYSA (new york system admin) - and
semi because I didn't hit that FIRST meeting, but helped in them after,
I've believed that the "microSAGE" model worked best.  LISA (which
is a conference, not a group) is fine, but it's annual, a circus,
costly and a big time commitment.

Having that interest, I've wanted SAGE to take a role where it
helps local groups more.  One of the easy ways is to enable

A challenge all local groups have is in finding topics, speakers
and meeting ideas (and space, but that's solvable only locally).

Perhaps a write up, perhaps summary/trimmed or in full, of the
BayLISA meeting notes might be of value to SAGE and ;login.

If it leads to other groups doing the same, then pressure is
reduced on all the groups.  But also it allows groups to "steal"
ideas; that's not harmful in the .org realm.

>From a simple:
    BayLISA meets August 19, see website for more
    info.  June's meeting was on using procmail
    to...  and it covered xxx and www.

A more extensive format might continue for 1-5 paragraphs as desired.

Is there objection to BayLISA participating in a SAGE publication
like this? (presuming SAGE wants).

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