LJ 4 toner?

Marc MERLIN baylisa-local at merlins.org
Fri Jul 16 22:30:22 PDT 2004

Eh guys,

So I bought an LJ4 plus at a flea market, along with a PS module.
Turns out that module (looks like a memory SIMM) will work in the LJ4,
but not the LJ4+

On the other hand, the printer was supposed to have toner, but the toner
is empty.

1) Do you know of a possible trade for the Postscript module I can't use
   vs a toner cartridge (reasonably new)?

2) Do you other have a used toner cartridge that you're willing to get rid
   of (I'm looking for at least a thousand pages left or something like that)

"A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
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