Local Printers?

Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at snew.com
Tue Jul 13 14:42:33 PDT 2004

Quoting Michael T. Halligan (michael at halligan.org):
> I need to get an ER diagram that's about 45" x 61" printed up, 
> as well as several network diagrams that are going to be about 40" x 40"
> Does anybody know of a good, preferrably SF printshop that can do this?

Once upon a time, I worked with architects and they ALWAYS have
E size plotters.

I have a network diagram that's 2x3 E-size sheets (worldwide network
of a wall st corp).

A couple ad agencies I know in the city have large gorgeous printers
and large lesser printers (test prints).  Some copy shops will do it.
I like to try locally owned before I hit the Kinko's level ones (your
money, leaving town).

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