Social Hacking [was: "Strong Scripting Skills" - a definition?]
jimd at
jimd at
Thu Jan 29 18:36:05 PST 2004
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 12:20:43PM -0800, vraptor at wrote:
> This may be too "job-seeker" oriented for the general BayLISA list,
> but I think it's generally applicable in the abstract. And I'm using
> "hack" in the classic sense, not the media-misappropriated sense.
> On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Robert Hajime Lanning wrote:
>> I think we are defining new depths of what a "rabbit hole" is. :)
> I'm never surprises me when geeks take a question that's really about
> a social issue--"How can I represent myself as a competent scripter
> without over-inflating expectations of my skill set?" and turn it into
> a syntax or technical semantics festival. (Particularly ironic in
> this case, since I recall one respondent's mantra as a boss: "don't
> use technology to solve a social problem." You know who you are. ;-)
> To my mind, a good example was Jim's story of turning the
> interviewer's ps pipeline question onto it's head, thus demonstrating
> Jim's understanding of the depth of the system rather than his memory
> of syntactical minutae.
I intended my story to focus on the interview dynamic rather than
the technical details. I tried, in that interview, to gauge the
level of detail that would:
* answer the question
* demonstrate a degree of technical expertise
* be professionally appropriate to the situation and percieved
requirements of the why in which such a command or script would
probably be used.
That last point was, in many ways, the most important. If I'd launched
into a two hour lecture demonstrating all the potential portability
issues, exploring obscure corner cases, expounding on structured
exception handling and "code re-use" issues --- if I'd "geeked out"
(as we've been doing on this list, for recreational purposes) ---
then I suspect I wouldn't have gotten the job.
By the same token I would hesitate to recommend or hire someone who
did "geek out" in an interview. (Luckily I don't do much hiring nor
interviewing). I'm not bashing anyone on this list. This discussion
is fine for *this* context.
When you're in an interview and you're asked technical questions,
keep the answer reasonably brief. You're not there to teach, You're
not there to solve their technical problems nor to write production
quality scripts for them. You're definitely NOT there to prove your
technical superiority over the interviewer. You're there to assure
the interviewer that you are the best person for the job.
(If you inadvertantly do prove to have more domain expertise than
the interviewer, it can be a bonus; so long as it was done in a
professional way and also demonstrated the ability to prioritize
and suit your answer to the context. Just remember that it's not
the goal).
Incidently I didn't mean for my anecdote to sound like bragging.
I've met people who are much better with shell scripting than
I am. I still read through Tom Christianson's "csh Scripting
Considered Harmful" with awe! I've still never gotten the knack
of capturing *just* the stderr into a variable while discarding
or redirecting stdout elsewhere doing tricks with 4>& this other
weird redirection hacks.
Jim Dennis
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