Hams Report 85-mile 802.11b File Transfers @ Oregon - management

Alvin Oga alvin at Mail.Linux-Consulting.com
Wed Apr 14 20:46:56 PDT 2004

hi ya chuck

On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, Chuck Yerkes wrote:

> > 99% chance that the managers willl make the passwd the name of 
> > their dog or spouse or the same as their atm pin#
> > 
> > and 99% chance that the passwd will be written down somewhere as JC said
> Again, do you have citations for this information or are you
> just pulling numbers out of your ass based on your beliefs
> and prejudices based on narrow experience?

i see you like to ride my butt eh, yeah, it's all fake shit based
on my little world of reality of managers that wants their passwd

and by the way, i've never worked a day in my life doing passwd stuff
so i have zero experience and i'm 1 year old and act that way just for 
you :-0

relax ... it's not a "prove it" or i call you names .. it aint the end
of your world

> > 	and worst, the corp admin has zero control of the home network
> > 	which can log into the secure corp network 
> Right, and that shouldn't be a problem or an issue.  PRESUME that
> the desktop (in work, at home) in compromised.  Now work from that.

good ... and, it means they cannot connect to begin with and have
to wait till morning to have a sit down chat w/ managers and 
computer usage and security policies

and for fun, do you wanna site a study, of what kind of work people do
from home that couldn't wait till the next work day ??
	- probably different kind of work if you're a coder
	vs managers vs sales droid vs tech supp vs ...

c ya

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