Getting Top Position On Google - Don't Do This. What & Why?

Roy S. Rapoport rsr at
Wed Oct 22 08:42:06 PDT 2003

On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 07:28:14AM -0700, richard childers / kg6hac wrote:
> I might or might not agree ... but why?
> It is helpful to me, and, I suppose, others, if someone transmitting 
> what they consider to be useful information to me, says, "Don't do 
> this", if they also explain exactly what they are referring to, and why.
> While I encourage everyone to cultivate an ablity to read between the 
> lines, it's not the best way to convey technical information.

I'm not sure I understand what it is you are attempting to convey.

Mark clearly indicated that some practices meant to artificially inflate
page rankings will end up adversely affecting page ranking once you get

Are you disputing that he was clear? Or are you asking him to justify why
it is that search engines have the temerity to punish people who attempt to


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