SBA: Getting Top Position On Google

Marc MERLIN baylisa-local at
Tue Oct 21 23:59:19 PDT 2003

On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 09:33:26AM -0700, richard childers / kg6hac wrote:
> (Previous comments about Google stock viability aside; hey, it's a free 
> class, and other search engines are likely to index the same tags and 
> keywords.)
> Time:		6:00 PM  to 8:30 PM
> Location:	SBA Entrepreneur Center,
> 		455 Market St., 6th Floor,
> 		San Francisco, CA, 94105

I'm not sure what the class says, but be careful, some tips are good
and are indeed good ideas to get better rankings
For instance, don't do this if you'd like to be indexed:

Other tips like putting lots of words in your page to get hits on lots of
things, invisible fonts, circular links and so forth are detected by smart
crawlers and will rank you negatively.
(in other words, some companies got their rankings lowered after paying
some SEOs, seach engine optimizers, a lot of money)

Just a fair warning which basically boils down to use good judgement :)

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