Free Course: Implementing Effective Business Contracts (resend)

Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at
Sun Oct 19 11:03:29 PDT 2003

Quoting richard childers / kg6hac (fscked at
> "If you don't like it, the unsubscribe methods are straightforward."
> website of my own, my alternatives are quite broad.

Yes, quite.  Please exercise them.

> For instance, I could subscribe to the lists from another address, and 
> use this to demonstrate how messages are selectively propagated, and 
> submit the contents of the messages to statistical analysis by 
> interested third parties, so that they could determine, for themselves, 
> if a small party of, say, sycophants, might have seized control of the 
> organization and are using it for their own benefit. ... This may have 
> already happened, by the way.

The alien overlords.  See below.

> I have not been arrested, or even questioned ... and yet, it's likely 
> that my Internet connection is tapped, and, indeed, a recent DSL service 
> out[r]age coincided with my tongue-in-cheek comments to another, via 
> email, that it was reassuring that taps could still be detected by the 
> network latency they inserted into the telecommunications circuit.  (-:

Golly, he's found us out.  It *is* a big conspiracy.  You've popped
up on so many radar screens that you had to be stopped.  Because
you *know* about the (alien overlords|plans to put drugs in the
tap water|radio signals beamed to your head just for you).  Yeah,
that's it.  And SCO is the only salvation for puny humans.

> So your pompous comments may well be recorded for future generations to 
> see in the archives of the United States Government; ask yourself how 
> your words will stand up ten years from now.

As a gang of HTML opressing thugs bent on trying to keep postings
on the list on-topic about the practice of system admin?

Oh, sorry, as the words of the alien overlords.  I was distracted
cause I was woken early by the earthquake inducing satellite ray-gun
that was aimed at my East Bay nest, er, house this morning.

> Food for thought.

I'm going to another restaurant.

My Zagat's suggests that alt.conspiracy has a table open for you
if you'd like do serve your food there.

Or perhaps the secret lags again your email have to do with your
posting of things that trigger spam rules and have to be let through
by volunteers (puny human volunteers).

Not sure why I'm writing for your s3cr3t archives,


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