Free Course: Implementing Effective Business Contracts (resend)

Rick Moen rick at
Tue Oct 14 12:33:00 PDT 2003

Quoting richard childers / kg6hac (fscked at

> [More delays because of HTML & my schedule.]
> This is of potential interest to the many consultants who read this list.
> Regrettably, my first submission of this information did not seem to get 
> propagated ... even though one would hope that it would be in 
> -everyone's- interest to see that junior members are mentored, on how to 
> analyze business contracts.

I believe you've basically just said "Doctor, doctor, it _hurts_ when I
do this."  I trust you know the punchline.

Cheers,             "Don't use Outlook.  Outlook is really just a security
Rick Moen            hole with a small e-mail client attached to it."
rick at                        -- Brian Trosko in r.a.sf.w.r-j

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