?? Re: Free IT Training at UCSC-Extension

David Wolfskill david at catwhisker.org
Mon Oct 6 17:19:21 PDT 2003

>Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 20:10:23 -0400
>From: Chuck Yerkes <chuck+baylisa at snew.com>
>To: Robert Zylstra <rzylstra at novaworks.org>
>Cc: baylisa at baylisa.org
>Subject: ?? Re: Free IT Training at UCSC-Extension

>Spam?  Or legit?

The latter, from what I can tell.

>The site makes me think legit but what's the hook?

[Y]our tax dollars at work, I believe.

>It's not that I'm a cynic - okay, it's not JUST that I'm
>a cynic, but "free lunch" and all that...

The submitter of the information consulted me (by writing to
info at baylisa.org); we exchanged email on the matter, and I thought it
would be apparopriate to use the list to let BayLISA members (and others
who may be subscribed) know of the opportunity.

Others are welcome to other perspectives, certainly.  :-}

>(and no courses on "exchanging microsoft" - alas).


david       (current hat: postmaster at baylisa.org)
David H. Wolfskill				david at catwhisker.org
If you want true virus-protection for your PC, install a non-Microsoft OS
on it.  Plausible candidates include FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and
Solaris (in alphabetical order).

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