HE.Net Quotes?

Chuck Yerkes chuck+baylisa at snew.com
Thu May 29 18:25:26 PDT 2003

Quoting Michael T. Halligan (michael at halligan.org):
> = watch out for other charges, either in rack charges or long term contract
> = or install fees or extra ip# charges or extra power/amperage fees 
> = or router charges or "expedite fees vs 2 weeks to go live"  and lots of
> = fees ( $1,000 ) if you exceed your "95th percentile quota"  
> = 
> = and if it's 1Mbps, you can get a full T1 to your office for
> = $400 + local pacbell charges ( $200-$250 typical? )
> = 	- or burstable T3 tooo ...
> Do t1s even matter nowadays, when you can get SDSL 1.1mb for around $300, and
> not have to buy a router that can handle a t1?

Last I checked, a T1 to my house was gonna cost me $800 or so per
month.  I pondered doing a little lightweight CoLo business, but
the power charges would have sucked up most of the profit.
And it's just a T1.  With Colo'd 1Mbps, if I average low and
occasional web site hits mean it uses 10Mb/s for a couple moments,
I win.  Clever use of ALTQ (dummynet) and snmp packet counts and
I won't exceed their nasty cost thresholds.

I've never actually gotten 1mb from any DSL lines.  Especially UP and
especially once you wander 3 or 4 hops away.

OTOH, using the neighbor's T1 "Feels" a lot faster than even the
ATT/ComCast cable line.

I'm also recalling playing with a Qwest line in NYC last winter
with ENORMOUS traceroute hop times to the second node.  Bad enough
that the "first three months free" was tossed and the line replaced
with a more expensive and more functional one.

RE: routers.  While I *do* own a Cisco cabled of taking 3 T1s,
I was using a highspeed serial card in a P/90 running BSD in 1995.
Worked fine.  I could drop it somewhere with 32 serial ports and
a 32 modem rack and have a POP in short order.

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