Network Design Advice

Herb Leong herb at
Thu Mar 13 01:02:56 PST 2003

Dean Kao wrote:
> We're redesigning our network and an interesting issue
> came up.  Currently, our wan links in our network are unnumbered  
> and we want to number them.  In our design plans, we want to
> designate 10.128/9 to the wan network and subnet that further
> into /21, which allows for 4096 networks.  If we number
> the wan links, it'll only give us 2048 networks (assuming you use
> a /21 for the wan link).  Is there any design tricks that I can use 
> so I dont have to use up a whole /21 for just the two ips between 
> the routers?  Or am I stuck losing all those ips.

Break one of your /21's into /30s.  That should give you plenty of 
blocks for interconnects.  You are not *ever* going to use this network 
as a non-rfc1918 network, correct?

How are you going to route the networks?


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