Anybody want dead UPS?

Hal Pomeranz hal at
Tue Jul 22 09:01:35 PDT 2003

I've inherited five APC "Back UPS Pro 1400" units with dead lead-acid
batteries.  I was just going to take them to the hazardous waste
disposal, but it occurred to me that some enterprising BayLISA member
might want to take the chassis and just replace the batteries with
working ones.

If you want to take them off my hands, I'm willing to give them to you
for free if you haul them away.  I'm in Oakland, so this will involve
your taking a trip up to the East Bay to come get them.  Send me an
email directly if you're interested.  First come, first served...

I've also got a dead monitor if somebody wants a "do it yourself"
science project...

Hal Pomeranz, Founder/CEO       Deer Run Associates       hal at
     Network Connectivity and Security, Systems Management, Training

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