DSL recommendations?

Herb Leong herb at urusei.net
Wed Aug 13 17:47:58 PDT 2003

Michael T. Halligan wrote:
> What would everybody recommend?  Cogent, SBC?
> I'm currently using speakeasy, and they're pretty horrible.  They've managed
> to destroy my billing, charging twice in one month on several occassions, etc.
> I went with them because their customer service was renowned, supposedly.. I
> can't even get them to let me speak to a supervisor.  When I ask, I get hung
> up on.. Maybe they're laying off or something.
> My needs are simple, adsl, 1.5mb/768 (preferrably 3.0mb/768 . that's what
> I've got with speakeasy.. only nice thing about them is that).. 5 static ips..
> Any recommendations?

Support has been pretty good for me with Speakeasy--too bad they
dropped the ball with ya.

Try Idiom...  They are local to the Bay Area.



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