Spam and baylisa-jobs -- once more, with feeling
J C Lawrence
claw at
Sat Jan 12 01:30:45 PST 2002
On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 00:20:14 -0800 (PST)
star <Heather> wrote:
> thought #2:
> split into sublists -joboffers and -jobswanted, hiring types recv
> the wanteds, and wanteds members recv the offers? With perhaps,
> that offers people can't unsub for N days? Or possibly, can't
> unsub without permission?
> Unfortunately it doesn't let -wanteds people help each other very
> well. Probably wanteds should recv all postings, and offers folks
> recv only wanteds.
There are three distinct needs:
1) Members want to be employed.
2) Members can cooperate in becoming employed.
3) Employers and agencies want to fill positions.
BayLISA is really only interested in the first two, and the third
only to the extent that it services #1.
A standard list server configuration is for all new members to have
a probation period during which all their posts are vetted by the
moderator. This is typically expressed in terms of number of
approved posts and seems an idea approach for BayLISA in this case.
Much in line with your suggestion, create _three_ lists:
1) Jobs-offers. Employers and agencies posting jobs.
First 5 posts require moderator approval. Posters are requested
to not post the same position more than once a fortnight. All
posts are required to have a From: address from a real live
responsive human (eg no resumes at foo.dom). Abusers will be
slapped and may be removed from the list.
2) Jobs-wanted. Members may post resumes, and are requested to
not post them more than once a week, and to post no more than
two variations of their resume within a given week. First 2
posts are moderated. The list should be configured to insert a
Reply-To of the poster's address (may be anonymised ala
3) Jobs-discuss. First 3 posts require moderator approval.
Employers/HR/Agencies may not post jobs to this list except as
part of further any discussion. Abuse will result in being
banned from all lists. Members may network, and may discuss
positions they know of.
All lists accept posts from members only.
Jobs-offers will be the noisy one, and the source of pain. Sorry.
Part of the territory. Jobs-wanted should pretty well run itself.
Jobs-discuss should mostly run itself until rogue agencies try and
creep in, but they should be fairly easy to detect and slap down
within the 3 post moderation period.
ObNote: Mailman 2.1 (currently in Alpha) can support exactly this
sort of list configuration.
ObDisclosure: I like, run, and contribute time and code to Mailman.
J C Lawrence
---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
claw at He lived as a devil, eh? Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.
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