Meeting notes, March 2002 BayLISA meeting

Rick Moen rick at
Wed Apr 17 15:18:59 PDT 2002

Quoting Jim Hickstein (jxh at

> This is _excellent_ stuff.  Thank you very much, Rick!  (I wasn't able to 
> attend this meeting, so I found it particularly valuable.)
> We need one of these for every meeting, from now on.  How many can you do 
> before you burn out. :-)  Seriously, can we get some more volunteers, who 
> will maintain this high standard?

That would be helpful, of course!  Even though my plan is to keep doing
these routinely, I'm sure there will be some months when I can't make it.

Rick Moen                      "vi is my shepherd; I shall not font."
rick at                               -- Psalm 0.1 beta

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