CPSR press release re: "National ID Schemes" issued

David Wolfskill david at catwhisker.org
Mon Dec 17 11:49:10 PST 2001

Someone at CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility) tried
to send a press release entitled "Computer Experts Question National ID
Schemes" to blw.

Rather than approve it, I'll just mention that it exists, and those who
wish to pursue the matter further may undoubtedly get more information
from http://www.cpsr.org/

I elected to do this because:

* Although I believe the matter is of importance, both in general and
  to BayLISA membership, BayLISA's purposes are not those of CPSR.  (For
  that matter, I believe that this difference in purpose is as it should

* Folks (BayLISA members or not) who wish to be better-informed about
  CPSR activities are better served by increasing involvement with that
  organization, rather than increasing involvement with BayLISA (to
  become better-informed about CPSR, anyway).

* The original target list (blw) was rather too narrow: there are many
  subscribers to the baylisa list who are not subscribers to blw, and
  who would be just as affected as blw subscribers.

David H. Wolfskill				david at catwhisker.org
I believe it would be irresponsible (and thus, unethical) for me to advise,
recommend, or support the use of any product that is or depends on any
Microsoft product for any purpose other than personal amusement.

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